1 Piece Mold & Cast - 4” Swim Whiz

Here is a simple process for making a one piece mold of a fairly complex fishing lure. So here we go …
Once your mold box is assembled and sealed (double check), mix and pour Alumilite’s High Strength 2 Mold Making Rubber to make a perfect 1 piece mold of your original.
If you have the ability to degas the silicone it is highly recommended as this will help avoid air bubbles (created when stirring) to float up to the back of the lure and be stuck in your mold.
Optional Step: By setting your mold down on its side and using an Excel knife, you are able to trim all the flash edges off of the mold to make it very clean.
Put the knife on an angle and trim the convex edges off the side of the mold to trim them. Then flip the mold to the next side and repeat the process.
We are now ready to pour a reproduction of our original lure. In order to make it float we must use approximately 50% microballoons (by volume) in the resin. Here you can see we are mixing 1 oz of A, 1 oz of B, and 1 oz of microballoons.
This will equal 2 oz of resin and 1 oz of microballoons which equals 50% by volume mix ratio which will give a specific gravity much less than 1 which will allow the lure to float.
First we poured in the 1 oz B and now are adding the 1 oz of microballoons to mix thoroughly prior to adding and mixing in the 1 oz of A which will begin reacting and start using up our open time. Therefore we recommend mixing and making sure the filler is completely stirred in prior to adding the second component of resin.